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Sharing Session on Qualitative Research in Education with Visiting Professor from United Kingdom

As a form of collaboration between the UNY Chemistry Education Study Program Birmingham City University (BCU) and several other international universities that are members of the Digi-Doc Project, the guest lecturers took the time to greet UNY Chemistry Education students through scientific discussion activities. The activity, which was held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, was divided into three groups according to the themes to be discussed. This sharing session agenda was moderated by lecturers from the Chemistry Education Study Program by presenting guest lecturers as resource persons.
One of the interesting discussion themes to pay attention to is educational research methods, especially in science education. The sharing session which was held in Meeting Room 3 FMIPA UNY was moderated by Yunilia Nur Pratiwi, M. Pd. with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kendall, Dean of Faculty Social Sciences & Law, London South Bank University, UK as the main speaker. Apart from her, Dr. Jane O'Connor, the Deputy Director of CSPACE (Centre for the Study of Research and Practice in Education) from Birmingham City University, and Wen Hongxia, a doctoral student at Northeast Normal University, China also come. Discussion participants consisted of students from master's and doctoral programs in Chemistry Education and Science Education under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi and several undergraduate students who were interested in taking part in this activity.
The discussion activity began with a brief presentation from Prof. Dr. Alexandra about qualitative research and several techniques that can be applied in the education field. Next, the moderator invited participants to ask questions or discuss the research being conducted. One of the participants then explained briefly about the ethnoscience research that was being carried out and some of the obstacles they were experiencing, one of which was regarding data collection techniques and analysis techniques. The speakers provided several suggestions regarding the research while still considering the real conditions in the field faced by researchers. This relaxed discussion provided a lot of insight to the students, especially about qualitative research which has not applied much. According to the speakers, even though the process seems complicated, the results of qualitative research can explain interesting phenomena and reveal new data that has never been found before so that it can enrich further research studies.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
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