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NaCF 2024: Seminar Nasional Kimia bersama Founder NBRI

As one of a series of National Chemistry Fair 2024 events, the UNY Chemistry Education Department Student Association held a national seminar on Saturday, March 9 2024. The event which was held on the 4th Floor of the IDB FISHIPOL UNY Building carried the theme "Implementation of Chemistry and Chemical Education as an Effort to Improve Renewable Energy Quality Through the Contribution of Young Intellectuals to Realizing Sustainable Development Goals 7”. The activity, which took place starting at 07.30, was mostly attended by students from the Chemistry and Chemistry Education FMIPA UNY study programs, as well as several students from other related study programs, such as engineering and physics study programs.
The main speaker in this seminar is Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Evvy Kartini. He is the founder of the National Battery Research Institute (NBRI), an independent institution in the field of science and technology that specifically studies, carries out research, training and supports educational programs about batteries as electrochemical energy storage instruments. In this seminar, Prof. Evvy delivered material about the effectiveness of renewable energy as an effort to realize SDG's 7. According to him, the transformation of energy from fossil fuel sources to environmentally friendly energy by utilizing electrical energy should be carried out today. In recent years, almost every electronic item has a portable version, making it easier to mobilize. Apart from that, a number of electric car brands that are widely available on the market have become an alternative application for reducing the use of fossil fuels. He also stated the fact that Indonesia's nickel reserves are quite abundant and it is possible to use them as raw material for batteries, so he regrets that nickel only becomes an export commodity in the form of raw ore. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of education as a place to create, build and live one's dreams until these dreams become a reality.
Apart from explaining scientific material about batteries and the environment, Prof. Evvy also provided enthusiasm to pursue dreams for all seminar participants. In the question and answer session, participants not only asked about the seminar material, but there were also students who asked about tips for dealing with life. One of the tips he gave was about writing down dreams and life plans that you want to achieve along with the timing. According to his experience, writing down our goals on a piece of paper will be a reminder of how far we have come. In closing, he advised the students to use 3D, design your own roadmap, do your best, and never forget your parents' prayers.
Apart from Prof. Evvy, two lecturers who are competent in their fields were also invited as resource persons. He is Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan., S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, Gadjah Mada University as well as a renewable energy expert. He presented material with the theme "Optimizing the Quality of Renewable Energy Through the Role of Chemical Science to Realize the SDG's Program". Apart from that, there are also other sources, namely Dr. Cahyorini Kusumawardani, M.Sc, who is a Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University, presented material with the theme "The Role of Chemical Education in the Development of Energy-Based Research to Improve Environmental Stability".
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Gedung Dekanat D.07 FMIPA UNY
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
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