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Webinar Series #4 Chemistry Education Department, 2021
Friday, October 8, 2021, the Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY, held a Webinar Series #4 by inviting education expert speakers. The webinar, which was held online via Zoom Meeting, was attended by 166 participants including teachers, students, lecturers, and education practitioners. Prof. Dr. Jaslin Ikhsan, PhD as the Vice Dean for Academics and Cooperation at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY, gave his remarks as part of the opening of this Webinar Series #4.
On this occasion, the Department of Chemistry Education FMIPA UNY presented Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Akaygun from the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Bogazici University, Istanbul, and Dr. Jennifer Yeo from the Singapore University of Social Science. The first material was delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevil Akaygun on Nanotechnology in Our Lives and Education. As it is known that nanoparticles is a technology based on the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scales with the nanometer scale. As a method for participants to be able to imagine nanoparticles, Dr. Akaygun provides a video from one of the film's trailers as a visualization medium. One of the implementations of nanoparticles in life can be used as an anti-bacterial material or antibiotic drug preparations based on natural ingredients.
Dr. Jennifer Yeo delivered the second material on Image to Writing Approach (I2W) to Science Concept Learning at the Primary Science Level. Based on the presentation of the material, the use of images in learning can provide scientific meaning and visualization. A set of representations for converting empirical data into a theoretical entity that is chosen is driven by the learning objectives. It is useful for mediating the thinking and reasoning needed to convert empirical meaning into theoretical ideas as a key component of students' scientific thinking and reasoning. What was conveyed by Dr. Yeo is based on a theoretical framework that images have a broad meaning of presence in the process of making meaning in learning activities. A series of representational trajectories turns abstraction into empirical so that the results given by students from learning activities can be evaluated based on their ability to achieve goals.
The interactive discussion between the resource persons and the participants of the Webinar series #4 is an indication that the material presented by the resource persons is relevant to the participants' work activities. It is hoped that Webinar Series #4 can be a means of learning together to improve the quality of learning that is more varied. Furthermore, the Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY still has Webinr Series #5 and Series #6, see you soon!
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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Email: pend_kimia@uny.ac.id
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