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Indonesia Is Not Yet Known As Producing CER Papers
The most chosen study subjects tended to be at the tertiary / tertiary level (54%). Research on the education of prospective chemistry teachers is still limited in number (8.3%). Chemical education research or Chemistry Education Research (CER) at the level of paud is very little (0.5%) which shows not yet known: when students begin to recognize chemistry at that time, as well as how students learn chemistry at paud. Furthermore, research on higher education is mostly done in North and Central America. Based on the journals studied Indonesia is not yet known as a producer of CER papers, so the role of CER in Indonesia needs to be increased in order to be recorded in international journals. That was said by Prof. Dr. Liliasari, M.Pd. from the University of Indonesian Education (UPI) at the National Chemistry Seminar held by the Department of Chemistry Education FMIPA UNY, Saturday, 11/15/14 in the faculty seminar room. Other speakers at the seminar were Dr. Raja Subramanian (Department of Chemistry, Malaysia), Dr. Nurul Taufiqur Rochman (Chair of the Indonesian Nanotechnology community) and Dr. Dwi Hudiyanti from Diponegoro University. Furthermore, he said, based on the results of the study of chemical education research trends, it can be concluded that the most CER papers were published in the Journal of Chemical Education (36.9% of the total papers), even though the impact factor was the smallest, even in the last 5 years (0.817 -0,831). The Journal of Research in Science Teaching has the highest impact factor (3, 227), but only contains a small number of CER results (6.9%). This means that the CER challenge is not high enough. Explained, based on the category of area studied, CER produced the most research on learning, conception and conceptual change of teachers and students (26.2%); second place regarding chemistry teaching (20.0%). The third rank is research about learning in the context of class and student characteristics (19.4%). Among the first three ranking groups the number of papers tends to fluctuate in number every 2 years. The use of mixed-methods is very much in CER and the tendency is increasing to produce more perfect research. The use of quantitative methods decreases while the use of qualitative methods actually increases. Meanwhile, the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., MA., In his speech said that chemistry and chemistry education have great potential in producing creative ideas. Not only stop until the ownership of patents, but need to be followed up with implementation in real life which is realized by producing creative products which in turn will provide added value, not only from the economic side but also others. "Today's research trends in chemistry are closely related to, for example, greenanno technology, organic chemistry of natural materials, polymer chemistry, catalyst chemistry, and are expected to be able to increase the quantity and quality of a prosperous creative industry while maintaining negative impacts on the environment which ultimately harm humans themselves, "Added the Chancellor. (witono)
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
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