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Guest Lecturer: Mr. Takahiro Torimitsu
Thursday, May 27, 2021, Guest Lecturer (GL) activities for Curriculum courses have been carried out. In this GL activity, the Chemistry Education Study Program invited Mr. Takahiro Torimitsu from Shizuoka High School, Japan. A total of 50 second semester students attended the guest lecture accompanied by Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi and Dina, M.Pd.
At this meeting, Mr. Takahiro Torimitsu, delivered topics about the education system in Japan, school entrance examinations, the education curriculum in Japan, and several important matters related to education in Japan. As in Indonesia, the primary school level is held for 6 years, JHS and SHS for 3 years each, and the Undergraduate Program for 4 years. There is an interesting thing that initiated the discussion activities at this GL activity, namely the existence of an entrance exam for students who will continue to the high school education level. Another interesting thing is that technological developments are not widely used for activities to support teaching and learning activities. According to Mr. Takahiro Torimitsu, this technology was developed by students to provide understanding and learning experiences for students of teaching and learning activities.
With the implementation of the Guest Lecturer activity with Mr. Takahiro Torimitsu, it is hoped that the Chemistry Education Study Program students will gain new insights which will become provisions as future chemistry teacher.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Gedung Dekanat D.07 FMIPA UNY
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
Email: pend_kimia@uny.ac.id
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