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Forum Group Discussion Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka
Wednesday, 25 November 2020, the Department of Chemistry Education has carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity with all lecturers of the Chemistry Education Department and Prof. Edy Cahyono (Semarang State University) and Dr. Sri Andayani (Quality Assurance of Yogyakarta State University). This FGD activity aims to discuss documents and implementation of Standard Operational Procedures (POB) that facilitate MBKM at UNY.
Some of the Standard Operational Procedures (POB) that have been prepared by the Chemistry Education Department are Industrial ApprenticeshipEntrepreneurship Apprenticeship, Job Training, and Credit Transfer. One of the goals of developing POB is to facilitate the implementation of MBKM so that students have the freedom to participate in academic activities anywhere by still referring to the activity guidelines so that they can be accounted for academically. As for realizing this activity, the Department of Chemistry Education has initiated collaborations with several schools and industries through the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on November 6, 2020 with SMA Al-Azhar 9 Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 9 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMK-SMTI Yogyakarta, SMK Pharmacy Indonesia.
According to Prof. Edy Cahyono, POB documents need to refer to internal quality assurance so that there is a correlation between CPL study programs that students must achieve, the effective time duration taken by students, and a reference for calculating workload recognition (SKS). So, students can do internships in several places to achieve the CPL if the internship in one place does not cover the entire CPL at once. Dr. Sri Andayani also provided input for credit transfer activities by UNY quality assurance to accommodate 4 basic independent campus policies: opening of new study programs, university accreditation systems, state universities for legal entities, and the right to study three semesters outside the study program. The MoU on the implementation of student exchanges regulates the rights and obligations of the parties involved. The courses taken must be in accordance with prudential competencies, even if they are outside the core competencies, but there must still be recognition of transcripts and SKPI.
Hopefully with the implementation of FGD and POB Development, it can provide opportunities for MBKM learning experiences for students who graduate from the Department of Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Gedung Dekanat D.07 FMIPA UNY
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
Email: pend_kimia@uny.ac.id
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