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Entrepreneurship Programme 2: Becoming a Young Entrepreneur from the University
Friday, July 30, 2021 Entrepreneurship Program Series #2 was held smoothly. The theme of this series is Becoming a Young Entrepreneur from the University Path. Two speakers have participated to share knowledge and experiences with students of chemistry study program and chemistry education program. This time, the activity was opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNY, Prof. Dr. Ariswan., accompanied by the Head of the Department of Chemistry Education, Dr. Retno Arianingrum, and Secretary of the Department of Chemistry Education, Erfan Priyambodo, M.Sc. Miftahudin Nur Ihsan, S.Pd., M.B.A. and Wenny Tri Suryani, S.Si are two experienced speakers in the field of entrepreneurship.
Miftahudin Nur Ihsan, S.Pd., M.B.A. or often called Ihsan, is an alumni of the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY year of 2011. During his studies and continuing his MBA studies as an LPDP Awardee, Ihsan has experience as: (1) CEO of CV. Smart Batik Indonesia, (2) research assistant in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation, and MSME studies at FEB UGM, (3) regional innovation team for BAPPEDA Yogyakarta, and (4) secretary of the Sidoluhur batik community in Yogyakarta. Ihsan shared his knowledge about becoming a Young Entrepreneur. Students have to think about what to do when they are finish their college: looking for work or becoming an entrepreneur? Become an entrepreneur menas several challenges including: (1) not having capital, (2) not having time, (3) fear of failing in entrepreneurship, and (4) lack of knowledge and experience. These challenges can be solved by writing various competition proposal scripts, such as capital grants for student entrepreneurship, student creativity programs (PKM), student entrepreneurship programs, Indonesian student entrepreneurship programs, and many other opportunities that can be used as a means to learn and develop the relation.
As for the second meeting with Mrs. Wenny Tri Suryani, S.Si., students get the secret tips to become a super entrepreneur. First secret is substitution, or replace products with other products with the same function or use. Two, down selling technique by offering the required product with smaller size variations so that the price is cheaper. Three, up selling or offering products with the same function but higher prices, larger packaging or higher quality. Lastly, cross selling by offering additional shopping. Through the Entrepreneurship Program Series #2 event, it is hoped that it will be an inspiration for students to be able to create new businesses that have an impact on many people.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Gedung Dekanat D.07 FMIPA UNY
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. (0274)586168 Pes. 115
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