• Post date: 10/05/2023 - 09:55

    On September 22 2023, HIMA Kimia FMIPA UNY held an official opening ceremony for the 67th Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA UNY. On this occasion a healthy walk was carried out which was followed by competitions between classes of the UNY Chemistry Education Department.


    As is already known, the FMIPA UNY Chemistry Education Study Program is one of the Study Programs under the Department of Chemistry Education. At first. The Department of Chemistry Education is a...

  • Post date: 02/11/2023 - 12:00

    MIPA EXPO 2023 which was held for 3 days from Monday-Wednesday (29-31/5/23) in the courtyard of the FMIPA UNY dean building was lively. The event was opened by UNY's Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Finance, Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, S.T., M.Pd. The opening was marked by the release of balloons into the air followed by other attendees.


    Present on this occasion were university leaders, deans/heads of institutions, and other officials. Prof. Lantip in his speech said that the MIPA...

  • Post date: 02/10/2023 - 09:00

    B/232/UN34.13/HK.03/2022 as many as 35 students were declared to have passed the Master's Program with a Master of Education (M.Pd) degree, 24 students were declared to have passed the Bachelor of Education Program with a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) degree, and 25 students declared to have passed Strata 1 Level with a Bachelor of Science (S.Si) degree. The entire Management and academic community in the Chemistry Study Program congratulates all students who have passed, wishing them more success, trust and blessings

  • Post date: 10/26/2022 - 13:45

    In 2022, the Chemistry Education Department, FMIPA UNY will enter its 66th year! To commemorate the anniversary, a series of Dies Natalis activities have been held. Chairman of the 66th Anniversary Committee, Alwan Mas'ud reported that the anniversary series had been held since September. Several competition activities such as POSKIM, Art Performances, Social Action and Webinar Series. The thanksgiving event is the highlight of the 66th Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry Education. The 66th Anniversary Celebration carries the theme "United in Gratitude...

  • Post date: 10/26/2022 - 11:45

    Friday, October 14 2022, the Chemistry Education Department, FMIPA UNY has held Webinar Series #2 with expert speakers in the field of chemistry and education. The webinar, which was held online via Zoom Meeting, was attended by 140 participants including teachers, students, lecturers and practitioners in the fields of chemistry and education. Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, M.Sc as Chair of the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY, gave his speech as part of the opening of Webinar Series #2. On this occasion, the Chemistry Education Department, FMIPA UNY presented...

  • Post date: 10/22/2022 - 10:30

    Friday, October 7 2022, the Department of Chemistry Education, FMIPA UNY has held Webinar Series #1 in the context of the 66th Anniversary of the Chemistry Department of FMIPA UNY with the theme "Synergistic in Chemistry Education in Supporting the Post-pandemic Era" by inviting educational expert speakers. This webinar, which was held online via Zoom Meeting, was attended by 144 participants including teachers, students, lecturers and educational practitioners. Prof. Dr. Jaslin Ikhsan, PhD as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation FMIPA UNY gave his...
