• Post date: 10/16/2023 - 10:30

    Community Service is one of the tridharma of higher education which must be implemented every year by lecturers. In 2023, several lecturers as a service team from the Chemistry Education Study Program, Department of Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University, will carry out Assistance for the Development of Ethnoscience-Based Chemistry Learning. This activity was carried out by Prof. Dr. Antuni WIyarsi, Drs. Heru Pratomo Al., M.Sc., Nur Fitriyana, M.Pd., Metridewi Primastuti, M.Pd, and Dra. Lis Permana Sari, M.Si. The service team also collaborates with the Indonesian-Yogyakarta...

  • Post date: 10/15/2023 - 10:12

    Community Service is an activity that aims to help the community in several activities without expecting compensation in any form and is part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The PkM Team of the Department of Chemical Education, consisting of Mr. Erfan Priyambodo, Mrs. Siti Marwati, Mrs. Das Salirawati, Mr. Sukisman Purtadi, Mr. Jaslin Ikhsan and Mr. Agus Salim, carried out service at SMA N 6 Yogyakarta with the title Residue Waste Management Training as Support for Implementation Development Adiwiyata School Predicate.


    This activity was carried out twice, where on...

  • Post date: 10/05/2023 - 14:15

    The Chemistry Education Study Program (Prodi) FMIPA UNY held a Final Thesis Assignment (TAS) proposal seminar for students class of 2020 on August 4 2023. This activity is a routine activity carried out by the Chemistry Education Study Program from year to year. The aim of this activity is to provide suggestions and input by the lecturer team on the student's TAS proposal so that it is suitable for implementation to the next stage. This proposal seminar is carried out in small groups (around 9 - 12 students/group). This activity was quite appreciated by all...

  • Post date: 10/05/2023 - 14:00

    On August 14 2023, the Chemistry Education Study Program FMIPA UNY accepted 4 credit transfer students from Tadulako University. The four students took 20 credits in the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY in accordance with the implementation of the MBKM curriculum. Credit transfer students then take courses with regular students, so that cultural acculturation and diversity occurs. Credit transfer students stated that the UNY Chemistry Education Study Program was the main choice for this activity because of its good educational, research and...

  • Post date: 10/05/2023 - 12:00

    On June 14 2023, the Department of Chemistry Education will release retired lecturers. He is Mr. Agus Salim, M.Si. who has retired as of June 1 2023. Mr. Agus Salim is a lecturer in the field of Physical Chemistry who has served in the Chemistry Education Department, FMIPA UNY for more than 30 years. He is known as a pious and dedicated person while serving in the UNY Chemistry Education Department. In her speech, Mrs. Dr. Retno Arianingrum expressed her deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of Mr. Agus Salim's dedication in developing the Department of...

  • Post date: 10/05/2023 - 11:14

    On October 4 2023, the UNY FMIPA Chemistry Education Undergraduate Study Program was audited by UNY AMI (Internal Quality Audit) auditors. Acting as auditor, namely (1) Mr. Dr. Nawan Primasoni and (2) Mrs. Ma'rifani Fitri, M.Pd. The event was held online via the zoom meeting platform. This activity was opened by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Chemistry Education Study Program, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi. AMI activities are annual routine activities that strive to ensure the quality of education, teaching, research and PkM within the study program. The...
