Wednesday, 25 November 2020, the Department of Chemistry Education has carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity with all lecturers of the Chemistry Education Department and Prof. Edy Cahyono (Semarang State University) and Dr. Sri Andayani (Quality Assurance of Yogyakarta State University). This FGD activity aims to discuss documents and implementation of Standard Operational Procedures (POB) that facilitate MBKM...
Post date: 11/28/2020 - 08:40
Post date: 11/22/2020 - 10:42
Saturday, November 21, 2020, at the UNY Auditorium, Prof. Drs. Jaslin Ikhsan, M.App., Sc., Ph.D was inagurated. With his inauguration as a Professor in the field of Chemistry, the Department of Chemistry Education has 11 professors. In his inauguration speech, he delivered his scientific findings entitled Model of Complexation and Modification of Clay Mineral Surfaces as New Materials and Their Benefits.
Prof. Jaslin Ikhsan, M.App., Sc., Ph.D said that his research was inspired by the dead sea's mud because of its properties in the health sector. In particular, clay minerals found...
Post date: 11/04/2020 - 13:00
Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the Chemistry Education Study Program carried out the Visiting Professor activity. The purpose of implementing visiting professor activities is to improve the quality of lectures, increase international insight for students and lecturers, and open opportunities for cooperation. This time, the chemistry education study program invited Dr. Muhd Ibrahim Muhamad Damanhuri from Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia....
Post date: 10/24/2020 - 12:30
Webinar series 6, with the theme ICT Integration in The Chemistry Learning, was held on October 24, 2020. Accompanied by the speaker, Dr. Muhd Ibrahim Muhamad Damanhuri from Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia and Prof. Jaslin Ikhsan, Ph.D from Yogyakarta State University, the series of Webinar Series events in the framework of the Chemistry Education Department anniversary has been completed.
In the material Integration of Green Screen Technology for New Norms of Teaching Chemistry, which was delivered by Dr. Ibrahim, the green screen used for learning activities will...
Post date: 10/23/2020 - 15:22
Webinar series 5 with the theme Enzyme Application, was carried out through Zoom Cloud on Friday, October 23, 2020. The seminar was opened by the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Karachi, Pakistan, Mr. Totok Prianamto. Dr. Munazzah Meraj from Peoples University of Medical & Health Women Nawabshah-Shaheed Benazirabad, Pakistan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aqil Aryan Wong from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia, participated as invites speakers in Webinar 5.
Dr. Munazzah Meraj, Assoc. Prof. in...
Post date: 10/23/2020 - 10:11
October 22, 2020, Tasyakruran with the theme "A gratitude to build a spirit of achievement leading to a superior generation" being part of the Anniversary of the Department of Chemistry Education, UNY which was held through Zoom Cloud that attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Ariswan and VIce Dean, all lecturers, education staff, and students of the Chemistry Education Department. In his remarks, the Dean of FMIPA UNY expressed his appreciation for the Chemistry Education Department because continues to contribute to...
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