• Post date: 10/03/2022 - 11:45

    Visiting Internal Quality Audit (AMI) of the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA, UNY will be held on Wednesday, August 31 2022 offline and online. This audit meeting activity was carried out to see the development of the Internal Quality Audit of the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY as well as to establish friendly relations. There were 2 AMI visiting auditors present, namely Dr. Marita Ahdiyana, M.Si as auditor 1 and Heri Yogo, M.Or as auditor 2. During the AMI meeting the auditor asked several questions related to Graduate Competency Sub Standards,...

  • Post date: 10/03/2022 - 10:30

    As an effort to support UNY's vision of becoming a world class university, recently a lecturer in the Chemistry Education Study Program, Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, M. Sc carried out Visiting Scholar activities to Turkiye from 8 June – 8 July 2022. Several activities were carried out in the context of lecturers' self-development, international collaborative research, as well as the initiation of students and staff's mobility programs. The first activity was held at the Faculty of Education, Trabzon University, Turkiye. Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi held research discussions and...

  • Post date: 09/05/2022 - 00:00

    Overseas Collaboration Research by Chemistry Education Study Program Lecturers is carried out to support increasing study program internationalization programs and lecturers' self-development. This research was funded by UNY and research partner Trabzon University. Collaborative research entitled "Examining the meaning of spring equinox and climate literacy awareness for middle-grade students from northern and southern hemisphere: A phenomenological study in Turkey and Indonesia" is motivated by the difference in the number of seasons experienced by students in...

  • Post date: 08/31/2022 - 00:00

    Chemistry education research instruments are one of the mandatory courses for students of the FMIPA UNY Chemistry Education Study Program which is taken in the fifth semester. As a form of implementation of the MBKM Curriculum, and preparing graduates who are ready to compete globally, the Chemistry Education Study Program is holding activities with Assoc. Prof. Mohd Ali Samsudin from the University of Science Malaysia. Assoc. Prof. Mohd Ali Samsudin was present as a lecturer in the chemistry education research instrument course for students of the Chemistry Education Study Program, FMIPA...

  • Post date: 05/30/2022 - 17:15

    Friday, May 27, 2022, the Student Association of the Department of Chemistry Education held a dialogue activity in the Department of Chemistry Education. This activity is one of the work programs of the Social Department, Chemistry Student Association which is routinely carried out once a year. This year, 2022, dialogue was carried out virtually through the zoom meeting facility. As an opening, remarks were carried out by the Head of the Department of Chemistry Education Dr....

  • Post date: 05/30/2022 - 09:29

    The entrepreneurial spirit was shared with joy by the alumni of the Department of Chemistry Education, Ramon Chandra Perdana through teaching practitioners activities. This activity was attended by 40 students of the 2019 Chemistry Education Study Program, accompanied by the Coordinator of the Chemistry Education Study Program, Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, M.Sc and a lecturer in Chemistry-based Entrepreneurship, Dr. Siti Marwati. Not only about entrepreneurial theory, Ramon shares his...
