Visiting Professor: Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu

Tuesday, 25 May 2021, the Chemistry Education Study Program held another Visiting Professor activity. On this occasion, Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu, Ph.D from National Taiwan Normal University became a speaker for Educational Research Methodology. Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu, Ph.D is the director and Chair Professor of NTNU of the Graduate Institute of Science Education at National Taiwan Normal University. Her research interests include instructional technology, inquiry learning, chemistry education, and computer-based assessments.

This time, Chemistry Education students will receive material about the field of educational research, sources of research ideas, and research discussion. According to Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu, Ph.D., there are several fields of research, but it should be noted that research fields in science education are not limited, such as: 1) curriculum and teaching, 2) sociology, philosophy of history of science, 3) learning technology, 4) psychology and motivation, 5) assessment and measurement, 6) teacher education.

Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu also gave advice regarding what to do when doing research? The first starts with the question: where did the problem come from? This question can be used to write the focus of the research topic. In conducting research, researchers can also start from simple things such as building on what they already know / experience. Then, develop what has been done. Reading is key, so it can identify unanswered questions such as by conducting a literature review.

With the implementation of the activities of the Visiting Professor with Prof. Hsin-Kai Wu, Ph.D is expected to be enthusiastic for students to follow up on their research proposals so that research can be carried out and completion of thesis final assignments.