Undergraduate Thesis Proposal Seminar of Bachelor of Education in Chemistry Students

Chemistry Education Undergraduate Study Program, FMIPA, UNY conducted a thesis proposal seminar for students of class 2017 on Friday, 18 December 2020. The proposal seminar was conducted online through a zoom cloud meeting, which was opened by the coordinator of the Undergraduate Chemistry Education Study Program, Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi and Secretary of the Department of Chemistry Education Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si.

Students make presentations according to the type of the research, namely experimental, development research, survey, qualitative, or mixed method research. A total of 56 students have participated in the thesis proposal seminar as an effort to monitor and accelerate the preparation and implementation of student theses. Each student presented a thesis proposal to each lecturers discussion team and was given correction for conducting research.

Hopefully the students' enthusiasm in participating in the activity will be the spirit to follow up the correction from the lecturers discussion team in carrying out their research and completing the final thesis.