Minute of Meeting Chemistry Education Department 2020

Minute of meeting Chemistry Education Department is one of the work programs of the social department of the chemistry student association in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which is routinely held once a year. At the event, students majoring in chemistry education could voice their aspirations towards the management of the department and all lecturers in the department of chemistry education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This year (28 August 2020), the Chemistry Education Department Dialogue raised the theme Voiced Aspirations for a Competing Chemistry Education Department.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the forum was carried out virtually, so that students, lecturers, employees, alumni, and stakeholders can convey their aspirations. The topics discussed include everything related to learning activities, facilities, services, learning outcomes, achievement of graduate competencies, and all things that support the advancement of the UNY chemistry education department. Apart from being conveyed directly in the forum, aspirations were collected through an advocacy questionnaire that has been given to all participants. Participants can provide their appraisal, criticism, and suggestions related to improvements that need to be improved. This year, the forum was dominated online learning process. To support learning achievement through online system, it is necessary to collaborate between lecturers and students. Chemistry education lecturers has an efforts to prepare optimal learning modes, so that students' active contributions to online learning activities are expected.