Internal Audit for the Chemistry Education Study Program

Thursday, 3 December 2020, Mr. Muhammad Andryzal Fajar SE, M.Sc and Mrs. Rina Wulandari, M.Pd as UNY Quality Assurance auditors, have carried out an internal audit in the Chemical Education Study Program of FMIPA UNY. The audit activity was attended by Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, M.Sc as the Coordinator of the Chemistry Education Study Program, Mr. Erfan Priyambodo, M.Si as the Secretary of the Chemistry Education Department, and Mrs. Annisa Fillaeli, M.Si as the Study Program Quality Assurance through Zoom Cloud Meeting.

One of objectives of internal audit activities is to match the management system to meet regulatory standards and create opportunities for improvement in study programs. The evaluation results from the auditors as a whole for the Chemistry Education Study Program are good, one of which is the openness of the information system for stakeholders and students related to curriculum, learning outcomes, supporting documents for lecture activities and evaluation of learning outcomes (LO). However, there are still opportunities for improvement that can be carried out by the Study Program including: 1) The Study Program is advised to collect the LO Documents which includes the formulation of the LO descriptions, which are reviewed once a year proven by minutes of meeting results, 2) Study Programs are expected to have a data base specifically used to collect data on the tridharma of lecturers, student data, and access for lecturers to always update the Rencana Pembelajaran Semester, the data base can be updated every semester, and 3) Optimization of the university's system to collect and evaluate the achievements of the study program.

With the implementation of internal audit activities, it is hoped that the Study Program can always monitor the achievement and conformity of program implementation with standards, so that improvements can be made to keep going for the better.