Entrepreneurship Programme #3

Support from the Department of Chemistry Education to improve the job readiness of graduates, was facilitated through various relevant programs at the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). One of these activities is the Entrepreneurship Program Series (EPS) #3. A total of 146 students participated as participants in the EPS #3 activity. As an opening, the Vice Dean of Students and Alumni Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Dr. Ali Mahmudi gave a speech to all participants in the activity. Through his speech, the EPS #3 activity is expected to be optimally utilized by students, especially to improve entrepreneurial skills so that they are not only graduates who are ready to look for work but also create job opportunities for the wider community.On this occasion, EPS #3 invite speakers from the ecoplast and culinary business fields.

First, Gabriel Butarbutar, S.Si as founder and CEO of PT. Eco Plastika Indonesia (EcoplastID), delivered material on tips for becoming an entrepreneur. As a graduate of the Chemical Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology, Gabriel produces bioplastics from agro-industrial waste. This business was initiated from the phenomenon of the difficulty of plastic decomposition in nature, so that bioplastic innovations that can be decomposed in less than a year become businesses that do not damage nature. When starting a business, several things need to be considered, one of which is the goals in IKIGAI: love, passion, mission, vocation, profession, whats the world needs, what yu are good at, and what you can be padi for. If you already know your goals, then any obstacles during your business will not stop you from moving forward and getting better.

The second material was delivered by Mr. Thomas Sukawan Aribowo, an architecture graduate from Sebelas Maret University. He has a 'klangenan' angkringan business. Carrying a cultural theme, the angkringan business that was established not only presented typical food offerings, but also a quite luxurious dining atmosphere. Through the EPS #3 opportunity, Mr. Thomas shared his experience about building an entrepreneurial spirit. According to sources, entrepreneurs are not the same as entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have existing business models and low risks for material profit orientation, while entrepreneurs are independent, creative and innovative individuals who seek business opportunities with risk management skills. Through this comparison, entrepreneurs will make success their main goal, namely the achievement of benefits. Through the Entrepreneurship Program Series #3 event, it is hoped that it will be an inspiration for students to be able to create new businesses that have an impact on many people.